API Reference
- class File(ifile)
Class for handling lammps log files.
- param ifile:
path to lammps log file
- type ifile:
string or file
- get(entry_name, run_num=-1)
Get time-series from log file by name.
- param entry_name:
Name of the entry, for example “Temp”
- type entry_name:
- param run_num:
Lammps simulations commonly involve several run-commands. Here you may choose what run you want the log data from. Default of
returns data from all runs concatenated- type run_num:
If the rows in the log file changes between runs, the logs are being flushed.
- get_keywords(run_num=-1)
Return list of available data columns in the log file.
- get_color_value(value, minValue, maxValue, cmap='viridis')
Get color from colormap.
- param value:
Value used tpo get color from colormap
- param minValue:
Minimum value in colormap. Values below this value will saturate on the lower color of the colormap.
- param maxValue:
Maximum value in colormap. Values above this value will saturate on the upper color of the colormap.
- returns:
4-vector containing colormap values.
This is useful if you are plotting data from several simulations, and want to color them based on some parameters changing between the simulations. For example, you may want the color to gradually change along a clormap as the temperature increases.
Command line interface
Plot contents from lammps log files. Input file argument comes before keyword arguments.
usage: lammps_logplotter [-h] [-x X] [-y Y [Y ...]] [-a RUNNING_AVERAGE]
[-o FOUT] [-c]
Positional Arguments
Lammps log file containing thermo output from lammps simulation.
Named Arguments
- -x
Data to plot on the first axis
- -y
Data to plot on the second axis. You can supply several names to get several plot lines in the same figure.
- -a, --running_average
Optionally average over this many log entries with a running average. Some thermo properties fluctuate wildly, and often we are interested in te running average of properties like temperature and pressure.
- -o
Save the figure to this file; the format must be supported by matplotlib.
- -c, --columns
Print columns of the lammps logfile