API Reference
Core functions
- molecular_builder.core.carve_geometry(atoms, geometry, side='in', return_carved=False)
Delete atoms according to geometry.
- Arguments:
atoms – The ase Atoms object containing the molecular system geometry – A molecular_builder.geometry.Geometry object defining the region to be carved side – Whether to carve out the inside or the outside of geometry
- Returns:
Number of deleted atoms Optionally an atoms object containing the atoms that were carved away
- molecular_builder.core.create_bulk_crystal(name, size, round='up')
Create a bulk crystal from a spacegroup description.
- Parameters
name (str) – name of the crystal. A list can be found by @TODO
size (array_like with 3 elements) – size of the bulk crystal. In the case of a triclinic cell, the dimensions are the ones along the diagonal of the cell matrix, and the crystal tilt decides the rest.
- Returns
ase.Atoms object containing the crystal
- Return type
- molecular_builder.core.fetch_prepared_system(name, type_mapping=None)
Retrieves molecular system from a particular zenodo repository. Caches data locally with requests-cache, which creates a sqlite database locally.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of system to be retrieved
type_mapping (List of pair-like of integers.) – List of pairs of numbers mapping the atom type in the file from the online repository to an atom number. For example silica from an online repository of lammps data files will have Si and O as type 1 and 2, whereas the correct atomic numbers are 14 and 8
Returns :returns: ase.Atoms object with the system
- molecular_builder.core.fetch_system_from_url(url, type_mapping=None)
Retrieves molecular system from an online location. Caches data locally with requests-cache, which creates a sqlite database locally.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of system to be retrieved
type_mapping (List of pair-like of integers.) – List of pairs of numbers mapping the atom type in the file from the online repository to an atom number. For example silica from an online repository of lammps data files will have Si and O as type 1 and 2, whereas the correct atomic numbers are 14 and 8
Returns :returns: ase.Atoms object with the system
- molecular_builder.core.pack_water(atoms=None, nummol=None, volume=None, density=0.997, geometry=None, side='in', pbc=0.0, tolerance=2.0)
Pack water molecules into voids at a given volume defined by a geometry. The packing is performed by packmol.
- Parameters
atoms (Atoms object) – ase Atoms object that specifies particles that water is to be packed around. The packed water molecules will be added to this atoms object.
nummol (int) – Number of water molecules
volume (float) – Void volume in \(Å^3\) to be filled with water. Can only be used if nummol=None, since pack_water will compute the number of atoms based on the volume and density of water.
density (float) – Water density. Used to compute the number of water molecules to be packed if volume is provided.
geometry (Geometry object) – Geometry object specifying where to pack water
side (str) – Pack water inside/outside of geometry
pbc (float or array_like) – Inner margin to add to the simulation box to avoid overlapping atoms over periodic boundary conditions. This is necessary because packmol doesn’t support periodic boundary conditions.
tolerance (float) – Minimum separation distance between molecules.
- Returns
Coordinates of the packed water
- molecular_builder.core.read_data(filename, type_mapping=None, style='atomic')
Read a lammps data file into an ase atoms object.
- Parameters
filename (string) – path to the lammps data file
type_mapping (List of pair-like of integers.) – List of pairs of numbers mapping the atom type in the file from the online repository to an atom number. For example silica from an online repository of lammps data files will have Si and O as type 1 and 2, whereas the correct atomic numbers are 14 and 8
- Returns
ase.Atoms object with the system
- molecular_builder.core.write(atoms, filename, bond_specs=None, atom_style='molecular', size=(640, 480), camera_dir=(2, 1, - 1), viewport_type='perspective', atom_radii=None)
Write atoms to lammps data file
- Parameters
atoms (ase.Atoms) – The atoms object to write to file
filename (str) – filename to write to. Can either have suffix .data or .png, in which case a Lammps data file or a png picture will be produced, respectively.
bonds_spec (List of tuples) – List of (element1, element2, cutoff)
The following geometries are available:
- class molecular_builder.geometry.BerkovichGeometry(tip, axis=[0, 0, - 1], angle=1.1391764027766988)
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.BlockGeometry(center, length, orientation=[], **kwargs)
This is a more flexible box geometry, where the angle
- Parameters
center (array_like) – the center point of the block
length (array_like) – the spatial extent of the block in each direction.
orientation (nested list / ndarray_like) – orientation of block
NB: Does not support pack_water and packmol NB: This geometry will be deprecated
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.BoxGeometry(center=None, length=None, lo_corner=None, hi_corner=None, **kwargs)
Box geometry.
- Parameters
center (array_like) – geometric center of box
length (array_like) – length of box in all directions
lo_corner (array_like) – lower corner
hi_corner (array_like) – higher corner
- class molecular_builder.geometry.CubeGeometry(center, length, **kwargs)
Cubic geometry.
- Parameters
center (array_like) – center of cube
length (float) – length of each side
- class molecular_builder.geometry.CylinderGeometry(center, radius, length, orientation=None, **kwargs)
Cylinder object.
- Parameters
center (array_like) – the center point of the cylinder
radius (float) – cylinder radius
length (float) – cylinder length
orientation (array_like) – orientation of cylinder, given as a vector pointing along the cylinder. Pointing in x-direction by default.
- class molecular_builder.geometry.DodecahedronGeometry(d, center=[0, 0, 0])
A convex rectangular dodecahedron geometry to be used for silicon carbide (SiC).
- Parameters
d (float) – (shortest) length from dodecahedron center to sides
center (array_like) – center of dodecahedron
- class molecular_builder.geometry.EllipsoidGeometry(center, length_axes, d, **kwargs)
Ellipsoid geometry, satisfies the equation
(x - x0)^2 (y - y0)^2 (z - z0)^2 ———- + ———- + ———- = d
a^2 b^2 c^2
- Parameters
center (array_like) – center of ellipsoid (x0, y0, z0)
length_axes (array_like) – length of each axis (a, b, c)
d (float) – scaling
- class molecular_builder.geometry.EllipticalCylinderGeometry(center, a, b, length, orientation=None, **kwargs)
Elliptical Cylinder
- Parameters
center (array_like) – center of elliptical cylinder
a (float) – axes along x-axis
b (float) – axes along y-axis
length (float) – length of cylinder
orientation (ndarray) – which way the cylinder should point
NB: This geometry is not supported by packmol or pack_water
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.Geometry(periodic_boundary_condition=(False, False, False), minimum_image_convention=True)
Base class for geometries.
- Parameters
periodic_boundary_condition (array_like) – self-explanatory
minimum_image_convention (bool) – use the minimum image convention for bookkeeping how the particles interact
- static cell2planes(cell, pbc)
Get the parameterization of the sizes of a ase.Atom cell
- Parameters
cell (obj) – ase.Atom cell
pbc (float) – shift of boundaries to be used with periodic boundary condition
- Returns
parameterization of cell plane sides
- Return type
list of ndarray
3 planes intersect the origin by ase design.
- static distance_point_line(vec, point_line, point_ext)
Returns the (shortest) distance between a line parallel to a normal vector ‘vec’ through point ‘point_line’ and an external point ‘point_ext’.
- Parameters
vec (ndarray) – unit vector parallel to line
point_line (ndarray) – point on line
point_ext (ndarray) – external points
- Returns
distance between line and external point(s)
- Return type
- static distance_point_plane(vec, point_plane, point_ext)
Returns the (shortest) distance between a plane with normal vector ‘vec’ through point ‘point_plane’ and a point ‘point_ext’.
- Parameters
vec (ndarray) – normal vector of plane
point_plane (ndarray) – point on line
point_ext (ndarray) – external point(s)
- Returns
distance between plane and external point(s)
- Return type
- static extract_box_properties(center, length, lo_corner, hi_corner)
Given two of the properties ‘center’, ‘length’, ‘lo_corner’, ‘hi_corner’, return all the properties. The properties that are not given are expected to be ‘None’.
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- Parameters
number (int) – number of water molecules
side (str) – pack water inside/outside of geometry
- Returns
string with information about the structure
- Return type
- static vec_and_point_to_plane(vec, point)
Returns the (unique) plane, given a normal vector ‘vec’ and a point ‘point’ in the plane. ax + by + cz - d = 0
- Parameters
vec (ndarray) – normal vector of plane
point (ndarray) – point in plane
- Returns
parameterization of plane
- Return type
- class molecular_builder.geometry.NotchGeometry(entry, vector_in, vector_up)
Carve out a notch geometry in a structure
- Parameters
entry (array_like) – The starting poing of the crack
vector_in (array_like) – The length of the crack
vector_up (array_like) – The thickness of the crack above and below the starting point
- class molecular_builder.geometry.OctahedronGeometry(d, center=[0, 0, 0])
A rectangular octahedron geometry to be used for silicon carbide (SiC) All sides are assumed to have a normal vector pointing where are components have the same magnitude (ex. (1, 1, 1))
- Parameters
d (float) – (shortest) length from octahedron center to sides
center (array_like) – center of octahedron
- class molecular_builder.geometry.PlaneBoundTriclinicGeometry(cell, pbc=0.0)
Triclinic crystal geometry based on ase.Atom cell
- Parameters
cell (obj) – ase.Atom cell
pbc (float) – shift of boundaries to be used with periodic boundary condition
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.PlaneGeometry(point, normal, **kwargs)
Remove all particles on one side of one or more planes. Can be used to form any 3d polygon, among other geometries
- Parameters
point (array_like) – point on plane
normal (array_like) – vector normal to plane
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.ProceduralSurfaceGeometry(point, normal, thickness, scale=1, method='perlin', f=<function ProceduralSurfaceGeometry.<lambda>>, threshold=None, repeat=False, angle=90, seed=45617, **kwargs)
Creates procedural noise on a surface defined by a point, a normal vector and a thickness.
- Parameters
point (array_like) – an equilibrium point of noisy surface
normal (array_like) – normal vector of noisy surface, surface is carved out in the poiting direction
thickness (float) – thickness of noise area
scale (int) – scale of noise structures
method (str) – noise method, either ‘simplex’ or ‘perlin’
f (func) – arbitrary R^2 => R function to be added to the noise
threshold (float) – define a threshold to define two-level surface by noise
repeat (array_like or bool or float) – define at what lengths the noise should repeat, default is surface length (if repeat=True)
angle (float) – angle of triclinic surface given in degrees
seed (int) – seed used in procedural noise
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.ProceduralSurfaceGridGeometry(normal, scale=10, threshold=0, seed=1, grid=(50, 100), period=4096, **kwargs)
Creates tileable procedural noise on a surface defined by a grid and a normal vector. Noise is applied throughout the direction of the normal.
- Parameters
normal (array_like) – normal vector of noisy surface, surface is carved out in the poiting direction
scale (float) – scale of noise structures
grid (array_like) – Number of grid cells in each direction perpendicular to the normal vector.
threshold (float) – Threshold for Simplex values to create a two-level surface.
seed (int) – Seed for procedural noise.
period (int) – Period for randomization of Simplex permutation matrix.
- Returns
ndarray of bools stating which atoms to remove.
- Return type
- packmol_structure(number, side)
Make structure to be used in PACKMOL input script
- class molecular_builder.geometry.SphereGeometry(center, radius, **kwargs)
Spherical geometry.
- Parameters
center (array_like) – Center of sphere
radius – radius of sphere